Opticstar DS-616C XL CCD camera

By | Published: January 27, 2013 | Last updated on May 18, 2023
Opticstar’s DS-616C XL CCD camera has a 6-megapixel 1.8-inch Sony CCD sensor. The unit offers 50 percent higher sensitivity than other cameras using the same chip because of its hardware and outstanding noise suppression.
Price: $1,299
[e] questions@opticstarnorthamerica.com
[w] www.opticstarnorthamerica.com

This product appeared in the March 2013 New Products page.

Opticstar DS-616C XL CCD camera
Opticstar’s DS-616C XL CCD camera has a 6-megapixel 1.8-inch Sony CCD sensor. The unit offers 50 percent higher sensitivity than other cameras using the same chip because of its hardware and outstanding noise suppression.
Price: $1,299
[e] questions@opticstarnorthamerica.com
[w] www.opticstarnorthamerica.com

This product appeared in the March 2013 New Products page.