From the November 2006 issue

Phil Harrington binocular universe (January 2007 online extra)

Of all the northern circumpolar constellations, Camelopardalis is certainly the least distinct.
By | Published: November 22, 2006 | Last updated on May 18, 2023
Phil Harrington
Although none of Camelopardalis’ stars shine brighter than 4th magnitude, binoculars allow us to star hop along the Giraffe’s faint outline to search out additional treasures.

OΣΣ 36 is a challenging double star set in the western part of the constellation. Large binoculars might be needed to see the 9th-magnitude companion star to the northeast of the system’s 7th-magnitude primary.

Struve 1051, located in the eastern half of the constellation, is a great test double star for 10×50 binoculars. Look for the system’s 7th-magnitude primary star accompanied by an 8th-magnitude companion just to its east.

NGC 2403 is one of the brightest non Messier galaxies north of the celestial equator. Although it lies within the borders of Camelopardalis, it’s easiest to find by looking about 5° northwest of Omicron (ο) Ursae Majoris (the Bear’s “nose”). There, you’ll see its faint oval glow set among a wide rectangle of foreground stars.