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January 27, 2009
World-renowned amateur astronomer and comet discoverer David H. Levy has joined Astronomy magazine as a Contributing Editor. Levy will write a monthly column for the world’s most popular magazine on astronomy, which has a circulation of more than 125,000 monthly issues. Levy’s first column will appear in the June 2009 issue.
“We are extremely pleased that David Levy will be joining our columnist lineup,” said Eicher. “His writing will add a new dimension to the magazine that our readers will love.”
Levy is most famous for discovering 22 comets over his long career, including the co-discovery of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, which broke apart and slammed into Jupiter in 1994. He is the author or editor of 35 books and products, and has served as the science editor for Parade magazine. Levy has written for most of the popular astronomy magazines in existence, including Sky & Telescope and Deep Sky. He also won an Emmy for his 1998 participation on the writing team for the Discovery Channel documentary Three Minutes to Impact.
He has given more than 1,000 lectures and popular astronomy talks and has appeared on a variety of television programs to promote astronomy, including NBC’s Today Show and ABC’s World News Tonight and Good Morning America. Levy is the recipient of five honorary degrees from various institutions.
He lives with his wife Wendee in Vail, Arizona, where they operate the Jarnac Observatory, surveying the sky for comets and promoting astronomical education.