rise-to-prominence-2https://www.astronomy.com/picture-of-the-day/photo/rise-to-prominence-2/Rise to prominence | Astronomy MagazineSalvo Lauricella, taken from Syracuse, Italy A brilliant prominence rises from the limb of the Sun on Jan. 29, forming a series of loops. This image was taken with a 2.4-inch Hα solar telescope and a monochrome CCD camera.https://www.astronomy.com/uploads/2024/01/Sun_HA_20240129_0948.png?resize=1568,1211InStockUSD1.001.00articleASY2024-01-302021-01-30140266
A brilliant prominence rises from the limb of the Sun on Jan. 29, forming a series of loops. This image was taken with a 2.4-inch Hα solar telescope and a monochrome CCD camera.