August 2008
The world's best-selling astronomy magazine offers you the most exciting, visually stunning, and timely coverage of the heavens above. Each monthly issue includes expert science reporting, vivid color photography, complete sky coverage, spot-on observing tips, informative telescope reviews, and much more! All this in an easy-to-understand, user-friendly style that's perfect for astronomers at any level.
Is there an end to cosmology?
In the far future, astronomers will have only one galaxy to study, and all evidence for the Big Bang will be lost.
Where will astronomy be in 35 years?
If you like monster telescopes, dark energy, and exo-Earths, you’ll love what astronomers are planning for the next decades.
Web extra: Zoom into the Andromeda Galaxy
Explore a massive mosaic of our neighboring spiral.
Top 10 discoveries of the past 35 years
An overly energetic universe, hundreds of new planets, and twin voyages of discovery highlight 35 years of incredible astronomical breakthroughs.
Web extra: Bubbling under the top 10
A lot has happened in astronomy these past 35 years, and it wasn’t easy to whittle down our list of the top 10 discoveries. Here are five more breakthroughs that just missed our list.
10 rising stars of astronomy
The past 35 years of astronomy have been stunning. Here are up-and-coming astronomers likely to blaze new trails in coming decades.
Web extra: Find out more about up-and-coming astronomers
Surf these links to learn more about the 10 up-and-coming astronomers profiled in our August 2008 35-year anniversary issue.
Poster: Astronomy magazine’s first 35 years
Some of the most important astronomical events have occurred
since our magazine’s birth.
since our magazine’s birth.
Web extra: Thirty-five years of stories
Read a sampling of stories from Astronomy since its beginning.
Your scope and the seven dwarfs
Surprisingly, even a small telescope can reveal these seven dwarf galaxies.
Amateur astronomy’s greatest generation
After World War II, the era of the personal telescope revolutionized stargazing.
Backstage at Astronomy
Putting out the world’s most-read astronomy magazine requires many people with down-to-Earth publishing skills and deep-sky experience.
Who really invented the telescope?
Four hundred years ago, Hans Lipperhey’s simple invention changed the world.
This month in Astronomy
Beautiful universe
Bob Berman’s strange universe
Glenn Chaple’s observing basics
Stephen James O’Meara
The sky this month
Ask Astro
Advertiser index
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Web talk