
A Giant Awakens Cassini

A sophisticated spacecraft sped by Jupiter as 2000 drew to a close, returning a boatload of spectacular images to Earthbound scientists.

When Yuri Took Flight

Forty years ago, an unlikely Soviet hero rocketed into outer space, achieving instant immortality and becoming an icon for the ages.

Reluctant Astronauts

While Laika, Mushka, and Gordo don’t have the name recognition of Gagarin, Shepard, and Glenn, those animals paved the way for human spaceflight.

Get the Hole Story

Black holes won’t swallow Earth and they don’t suck in everything for light-years around, but these misconceptions seem dull when compared with reality.

Lone Star No More

The Texas Star Party – home to monster scopes, dark skies, and happy-if-bleary-eyed observers – rates as a must-see event for dedicated amateurs.

Here Comes the Sun

If you’re into watching solar eclipses, or just want to scrutinize the sun during the current solar maximum, a proper solar filter is your most important accessory.


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