
Our New! Improved! Cluster of Galaxies

The dwarf galaxies of our Local Group reveal a universe of dark matter, rapid-fire star birth, and galactic collisions.

The Moon-Miner’s Daughter

NASA scientists return to the Moon twenty years after Apollo by hitching a ride on the Defense Department’s Clementine mission.

Cosmic Chameleon: The Supernova in M81

The changing spectrum of a nearby supernova promises to alter how astronomers view exploding stars.

Sky Almanac

Mercury shines bright in the evening and Jupiter dominates the sky after midnight.

North of 75 degrees

Break out your 6-inch telescope and visit the galaxies, nebulae, and clusters that populate the celestial Arctic.

The 14.5-inch Starsplitter II

Looking for good optics in an affordable big scope? This new Dobsonian may be for you.

Glorious Visions

Rainbows, star trails, sunsets, and more – gorgeous sky views arrive at any time of day or night.


The May 10 annular solar eclipse should be the celestial event of the year – if you avoid the clouds.


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